SUNDAY (Sunday School Classes)
The Book of Acts
9am | Room 703
Leader: Ed Bell
Join with this wonderful group of believers who love the Lord and have many different testimonies to share about their walk with the Lord. This group studies directly out of the Bible, one book at a time.
Chapter by Chapter Walk Through the Bible
9am | The Chapel
Leader: Pastor Jerry
All are welcome to study God's Word with Pastor Jerry. Note: This class has a monthly prayer time for our missionaries on the 1st Sunday of the month in the Chapel from 10-10:20, all are welcome. We also host the monthly Hymn Sing in the Gathering Area from 10-10:20 every 3rd Sunday of the month.
Jesus Through the Bible
9am | Room 707
Leaders: Dave & Aimie Abrams
Starting in Genesis, we are discovering Christ in each book of the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter. For Young adults - Senior adults.
9am | Room 613
Leader: Kevin King
Deeper is an in-depth Bible study Sunday School class open to Middle Schoolers through Senior Adults. We ask the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how to let scripture speak for itself and help us understand what the Bible was saying to it's original audience and how it can apply to our lives. (Inductive Bible Study Method)
Roundtable / Brown Bag discussion of Sunday's Sermon and Prayer Guide Update
Adult men and women
Noon – 1:30 PM, FBC Church Office
Leader: Pastor Jerry Ingalls
Phone (office): 765-529-2687
Facilitated by Pastor Jerry Ingalls, this is a time for fellowship over food, so bring your own lunch if you would like to break bread with others who attend. This is a time to ask questions and further the discuss the sermon from Sunday, as well as time to pray over the connections cards that were turned in on Sunday and update the weekly prayer guide as we pray for the needs of our congregation and community. You are invited to join us as we focus on the ministry of Word and prayer to the glory of God and the building of His church.
All men invited - bring a friend! For questions or more info talk with Pastor Ken!
6:15 pm
Deb Winter – Room 703
Grief Share – Jack Hannum
Wednesdays | 6 pm | Room 614
Designed for open discussion and encouragement for those who have recently suffered a loss of loved one.
Journey to Wellness – Margaret Richardson
Wednesdays | 6:15 pm | Room 613
Discovering healthy Biblical eating habits to improve our way of life.
Women's Bible Study
Thursday at 4:00 PM
Leader: Jody Maddy
E-mail: jmaddy@newcastlefbc.org
Join this lively group as they study a book together. Contact Jody for more information. We will be studying the book of John.
55 Alive Family Ministry
3rd Thursdays | Noon | Door 4 (Fellowship Hall)
Leader: Jack Hannum
Meets the third Thursday of each month sharing a meal, a time of fellowship, and hearing from area guest speakers on various topics.
Online Daily Devotional Group
Facebook Group
Moderator: Marcia Puttman
Contact on her Facebook page or via email:
mkputtman@gmail.com if you wish to join.
Join a Facebook group whose members write a short passage of Scripture each day. Writing Scripture s..l..o..w..s you down and helps you meditate on God’s Word. This Scripture writing group is moderated by Marcia Puttman. The group is “closed” so members feel comfortable encouraging one another, but all are welcome to join!